Achieving our desires is not an over-night process. But even amid a pandemic, it’s something we can still invest some energy into.
There are so many good reasons to be clear about the positive things we wish for, but one surpasses them all. In short, visualizing our desires helps them come true.
We are very skilled at describing our reality as we perceive it. Each of us can easily draw a detailed picture of our family, home and social life, just as we currently see them. The same goes for kids. They can give a very quick description of the way things are: “A, B and C are my friends. D, E and F are not.” Simple. That’s just the way it is. But how would you like it to be?
When a person is making an observation about their reality, it’s the perfect time for them to further envision how they’d actually like it to be. The message here is plain: Don’t stop after realizing the “what is.” Keep thinking about how you want things to be. Our desired reality, many times, is a whole different story than our current one.
We have a natural tendency to focus on our perception of “what is” and accept it as a given fact. Obviously, that perception derives from the many factors and experiences in our lives and is part of the ongoing mental chatter happening in our minds.
But what if we are not completely satisfied with how things are?
It is said that our thoughts create reality. To me, this sounds like an invitation to get creative in visualizing the reality that you really want.
So, here are 4 Guided Imagery tips on how to do that. These are relevant for both adults and kids:
1. Think of a desire you have in any area of your life. Try not to limit yourself on what you think you could achieve, and focus on what you truly want.
2. Try to be as general as you can, concentrating more on the way you want it to feel and less on the details involved.
For example, instead of “I want this specific job,” think in terms of how you want your job to make you feel
(appreciated, inspired, productive, etc.) regardless of which job it may be.
For kids, instead of “I want D, E and F to be my friends,” suggest that your child envision how he or she would like to feel when surrounded with friends
(loved, wanted, accepted as is).
Focusing on the good feelings we get from a desired reality and keeping it general helps us release any resistance we may have
towards moving in the right direction.
Resistance can get tricky. We are not always aware of how powerful it can be. It may come in the form of demotivating self-doubts such as “Why would they pick me for the job?” or, in the kids’ example, “Why would D, E and F want to become friends with me?”
When our attention is on the good feelings involved, it lowers the chance of our own resistance creeping in and ruining the show.
3. Once you have these good feelings envisioned, stay with them just a little more, noticing your mental experience and how your body feels as you imagine them. Allow yourself to engage in these positive emotions as if they are absorbing into you.
4. Once you have done that – stop!! This is a bit surprising right? But it’s just as important as any of the other tips. You want to keep it short, simple and joyful. Overthinking things might give way for the resistance trap to bring down all that fun. It also creates a confused message about what we want.
Guided Imagery can be very useful in setting new goals and progressing towards their achievement. When we empower ourselves by visualizing what we want and the good feelings that come with it, we take the first necessary step on our way there. Envision your desires as if they’ve already been realized and focus on how great that makes you feel – as simple as it sounds, this is actually a powerful tool.
So, the next time you find yourself, or maybe even your kids, observing the “what is,” don’t let it stop there. When our minds have a clear vision of how we want things to be, and especially, how we want to feel, that sends out an equally clear message – to ourselves and to the universe. ;)