Find the Breathing Exercise card and separate it from the rest of the cards.
Spread the cards on a flat surface with the illustrated side of the cards facing up or hold them in your hands displaying the illustrated side.
Let your child pick a meditation card and allow some time for him or her to take a close look at the illustration.
Make sure you are both sitting down or lying down very comfortably.
Always begin with the Breathing Exercise card. Read it out loud to your child and do the exercise together.
Take the meditation card your child chose and read it out loud veryyyy slowwwwly. Pause after every sentence and take a deep breath when you can (the three dots: ... will remind you to do so). Use a soft and low voice, and just take it easy and enjoy the moment. When you pause, your child will have an excellent opportunity to focus on imagining and visualizing the picture in his or her mind and expanding it further.
When finished reading, either let your child go to sleep or have him or her return to here and now, by saying: “It is now time to return to here and now. You can wiggle your hands a bit, move your legs a bit, and then slowly open your eyes.”
There is no limit to the number of times you can read the same meditation. This depends on your child’s preference. Returning to the same meditation, again and again, has great benefits, as it can create a safe and relaxing space that would be familiar to your child and will always be a place to come back to.
Making a habit of guided meditations with your child is a beautiful way to create shared memories for you both to treasure.