About the creator of Imagine Meditation Cards for Kids
As an alternative medicine practitioner, Meirav Tamir is engaged with holistic stress management techniques, personal guidance and emotional support. Her work brought her to realize how powerful meditation could be when encouraging feelings of calm and joy, and helping people at any age create their own positive reality.
“In many cases, it appears that people would like to know how to meditate but consider meditation as a hard thing to do, so they just add it to their ‘to do’ list, hoping that sometime they will get to it. As for children, a mental state of mind of meditating can also be perceived as hard to get. With the understanding that meditation can be a “hard sell”, even more when it comes to kids, I was looking for ways to make meditation more accessible and desirable for them. This search led me to Guided Imagery meditation, and that was the moment Imagine Meditation Cards for Kids was born”.
Guided Imagery is an effective stress management technique that is widely used in many practices for its quick and easy positive effects on the body and mind. Guided Imagery meditation can be beneficial even more for children, enabling them to switch into a calm, happy and empowering state of mind. Guided Imagery carries instant rewards, and can make a simple and enjoyable path into the world of meditation.
The Guided Imagery meditation scripts brought to you in the Imagine Meditation Cards for Kids are the basis of our Kids Meditation Club, in which kids come in and gather for a group meditation. It’s amazing to see how from the very first words of a Guided Imagery meditation script, kids get all quiet and focused on their own imagination, letting it swift them away into imaginary worlds of their personal liking. Time after time, within minutes the kids get to feel a flow of happiness and calmness through their mind and body. This allows kids to connect to their inner-self and experience who they really are in the most comforting surroundings of their imagination. When finishing a meditation, kids love to share the wonderful things, places and worlds they had just imagined, and celebrate their imagined adventures and creativity.
The Imagine Meditation Cards for Kids combine relaxing and soothing thoughts, empowering messages and positive affirmations. These scripts are brought to you in the Imagine Meditation Cards for Kids, together with illustrations full of colors and positivity by the wonderful illustrator Shaya Rijkmans (www.shaya-art.com).
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